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Yi Jing
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Unlock the wisdom of the universe through the ancient art of Yi Jing!
Discover the deeper meaning of hexagrams, receiving personalized guidance that aligns with the flow of life's synchronistic events. Whether your question is about luck, marriage / family, business, legal matters, travel, or health, Yi Jing will provide the answers you seek.
Between Heaven and Earth, what has been and what awaits you first manifest as signs.
This is the highest wisdom, and this is the teaching of the Book of Transformations.
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- The I Ching (Yi Jing)/, also known as the Book of Changes, is an ancient Chinese divination text that embodies the idea of synchronicity in its core structure. The I Ching is used to interpret the flow of the universe and life’s events, helping people understand how different moments, despite appearing disconnected, are meaningfully related within a larger pattern of yin and yang energy flows.
- In Eastern philosophy, the focus is on interconnectedness and dynamic balance rather than linear cause and effect. The I Ching helps people align with the natural rhythms of the universe, providing answers to personal dilemmas that appear synchronistically through the process of consultation.
- Jung was profoundly influenced by the I Ching, seeing it as a psychological tool that helps individuals interpret the synchronistic events of their lives, tapping into the collective unconscious
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