- BaZi Advisor - Easy Guide

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We're Ba Zi Advisor, and we're so excited to have you here with us! Let's dive into a few things about us so you can get to know us better. We're a team of folks deeply invested in personal growth, the well-being of humanity, and the art of happiness.

These topics have always intrigued us, sparking countless questions about the harmony of life and how things operate in our world. We've sought out information, explored various avenues for personal flourishing, and delved into the realm of Chinese spirituality. It dawned on us that this ancient wisdom holds the key to a prosperous life. We were so enamored by the orderliness it brought to our lives that we wanted to share a well-structured guide with everyone. A guide that, when embraced, could yield surprisingly effective results, touching on things you might not have even considered.



Must-Know Interesting Insights

It's not hard to harmonize your life, and if you take it easy, through small actions, basic information, consistency, and patience, everything is possible. Feng Shui encompasses a variety of information that needs to be applied as you discover it. We've crafted this well-structured guide because we've seen firsthand how overwhelming it can all seem, and because we didn't want to be intimidated by traditional Feng Shui, whose effectiveness is much more assured than its modern counterparts. By taking in the information gradually, you can achieve remarkable results from the very beginning. Sometimes, the simplest things are the most effective, and they don't pose risks in the face of the inevitable mistakes beginners make.

So let's take it step by step.
Dreaming big is great, but it's essential to have patience and realistic expectations because some actions yield immediate results, while others take time to blossom. You've definitely arrived here searching for a solution to at least one issue in your life. First, address the most significant problem, and only then move on to the next.

Whether it's related to,,, or, you need to pinpoint the primary issue to fix first. That's why it's crucial to determine whether the issue stems from your surroundings (home or office) or from within yourself (in which case, we recommend focusing on personal development), so you know which perspective to adopt. For this, we've prepared theat the top of this page.

When we want to approach Feng Shui from a traditional perspective, no matter what our goal is, it's essential to keep in mind three things to ensure success.
  • First and foremost, every Feng Shui assessment should begin with a thorough examination of the building's surroundings (San He), as the ancients believed that the analysis of a building must be conducted from the exterior to the interior.
  • The second step is to determine the building's facade, its magnetic orientation, and the direction of the main entrance using a compass.
  • Thirdly, you need to consider that for successful actions like renovations, furniture rearrangements, or installing Feng Shui remedies, timing plays a crucial role, and you must choose the right moments for these.
All these crucial point are detailed for you step by step in thesection above.
Basic Knowledge

To begin with, it only takes a few basic pieces of knowledge, which we'll briefly outline here, but you probably have already read about and are familiar with most of them. These are essential insights for your journey into the mysterious and captivating world of Feng Shui. In Feng Shui, the most important concept is that of the Kua Number (Gua) and the associated Trigrams. Each person is assigned a number from 1 to 9, called the Kua number, based on their year of birth and gender. Similarly, each building is assigned a Kua number, but this time based on its geographical orientation (magnetic directions).

Just by  clicking on any of the badges below , you'll find concise explanations of some basic concepts that will be very helpful to you in what follows. It's not crucial to memorize all this information from the start, unless you aspire to become a Feng Shui consultant someday. Otherwise, you can always find them here, and when you consult the BaZi Advisor app, all this information is presented in a decoded form, showing how it affects you personally.

Yin-Yang Theory & Cosmic Trinity

It describes how seemingly opposite forces are interconnected and interdependent, creating balance and harmony in the universe.

What is Chinese Metaphysics?

First of all Chinese metaphysics is not astrology. It is not religion as well and it is not based on a religion or superstitions.

Main Forms of Qi

In Feng Shui, the concept of Qi refers to the vital energy or life force that flows through all living beings and the environment.

Principles of the Five Elements

Everything that has been created, has been achieved by the effect of the principles of elements and not about the elements themselves.

Kua Numbers and Trigrams

The Kua number, also known as Ming Gua, is an essential component in Feng Shui practice, as it helps determine auspicious directions for an individual.

Attributes of the 9 Stars

Stars in Feng Shui refer to a complex system of energy influences that affect the Qi (energy) of a building, space or individual.

Eight Palaces Analysis

The Eight Palaces method (Ba Zhai in Feng Shui), is a technique used to analyze the energetic influences based on the orientation of the building.

Flying Stars Analysis

The Flying Stars method (Xuan Kong Fei Xing in Feng Shui), is a technique utilized to analyze the energy influences, based on the movement of stars.