The daily body of Qi composition consists of various types of energies, both auspicious and unfavorable, carried by different stars. These stars can be general, influencing everyone, or specific, affecting only your individual life.
In the context of the daily horoscope, the Ba Zi advisor determines the prevailing energy for a specific day, including potential challenges and opportunities by analyzing several energy categories as summarized below.
Check your own horoscope and in the following, we will explain the Ba Zi Advisor analysis mode and the panels you will see.
General Stars
The stars in the categories below exhibit their positive or negative effects on all people, so we refer to them with the term General Stars.
12 Officers
They are stars, for convenience called officers because they represent the governing body of Qi each day. They have the same influence on everybody and appear cyclically once every 12 days. Their names according to their type of energy are Establish, Remove, Full, Balance, Stable, Initiate, Destruction, Danger, Success, Receive, Open, and Close.
28 Constellations
The 28 Constellations are another layer in Chinese metaphysics, dividing the celestial sphere into 28 segments, each associated with a particular animal (constellation). These Constellations are used to determine the quality of a day which is the same for everybody. Some of them have beneficial effects and others do not, but in general just for certain types of activities. They are Horn, Neck, Foundation, House, Heart, Tail, Basket, Dipper, Ox, Weaving Maiden, Void, Danger, Room, Wall, Astride, Mound, Stomach, Pleiades, Net, Beak, Orion, Well, Ghost, Willow, Star, Bow, Wing, and Carriage.
Three Kilings Days
The Three Killings are often associated with three specific directions or locations, and these directions change each year. It is considered inauspicious to disturb or activate these directions, especially during the Three Killings Days. Feng Shui practitioners and those following Chinese metaphysical practices may take precautions during these days to avoid unnecessary risks or disturbances. For everybody, they represent Robbery, Calamities, and Solitude Days.
Ten Ferocious and Big Disaster Days
There are ten days when the Qi of prosperity is located in void branches, that's why especially important financial activities must be avoided these days. For everybody, they are bad days for any activity involving business or wealth generation.
Four Separating Days
In the Chinese Solar calendar the days before the Equinoxes or Solstices are considered to be with dead Qi, which makes them unusable for most activities, for everybody.
Four Extinct Days
In Chinese Metaphysical studies, Qi moves in upward and downward cycles. Accordingly, on certain days in a year, the Qi cycle and energies of a particular element are at their lowest and weakest point. These days coincide with the ending or last day of each season.
Grand Duke
Some days share the same Qi as the Qi of the year and are referred to as the Grand Duke. Generally, it is advisable to exercise caution and show respect to the Grand Duke, as any disrespect may incur his displeasure.
Year and Month Breakers
The energy of these days is in clash either with the energy of the year or with the energy of the month. On Month Braker days, you better avoid starting any kind of activities, especially short-term activities. Especially long-term activities must be avoided by everybody in the Year Breaker days.
Particular stars
These stars are, in essence, the most important as they are calculated based on your Destiny Chart and manifest their effects uniquely on you.
It's crucial to understand that the stars in the category of your Nobles have the power to counteract the negative energies that may arise on days influenced by the General Stars.
Personal Year and Month Breakers
They are the days in clash with your year or month of birth energies, they manifest the same negative effects as the general ones, but only on you so, be careful in these days.
Nobles stars
- Noble People - in general, they represent people who help you a lot and unconditionally in life; very helpful people could come this day
- Heavenly Virtue - positive entities that help all the time
- Monthly Virtue - helpful entity
- Intelligence Star - represents your capacity to learn and/or to make the right decisions; now you can learn something quickly and easily
Peach Blossom
Your charisma is amplified these days, making you more attractive to others; people tend to be nicer to you.
12 Days Pillars Panel (8 on mobile devices)
As we've already accustomed you, in this article, we will use as example a hypothetical person, John Doe, born on February 22, 1993, at 09:09.

The quality of the days is determined by the sum of the energies manifested in those days and is quantified into nine categories (legend): dangerous, very bad, bad, rather bad, average, rather good, good, very good, and excellent with colors varying from red to green.
Both your General Stars and Personal Stars are considered.
This horoscope reveals your own destiny because it is computed using your exact date and time of birth (year, month, day, and hour if available).
There are computed the daily pillars for yesterday (for your convenience, to be able to compare with what you already know was happening), and today plus one more week.
There are no entirely good or bad days, the body of Qi is a combination of auspicious and bad energies, and what we feel is a kind of average of these energies. Above each pillar are shown the average energies of the 9 days in suggestive colors.
Click on each one of the 12 pillars' dates (only 8 on mobile devices) to see the full information concerning that day.
Interactions Panel

In addition to the effects manifested by the presence of the general and particular stars described above, this panel analyzes all the interactions that appear between the Destiny Chart and the pillars corresponding to the current Day, Month, Year, and Luck Pillar.
Their effects are presented by category, and the Advanced mode button allows those who study Ba Zi to observe which type of interaction corresponds to the mentioned effects.
Auspicious and Negative Hours Panel

In the Chinese Calendar, the days are succeeding each other following a 60-day cycle. Each day is divided into 12 intervals of 2 hours and each one contains stars according to their presence in the Solar System.
The General Auspicious Stars are represented in green color and the bad ones in purple. They have the same effects on everybody.
On certain days there are Particular Stars which manifest their energies at certain hours. For example, if a Peach Blossom star is present in one day, there is also a two-hour interval when the effect is maximum. They are blue or red depending on whether they are good or bad.
Click on each one of the stars to check their effects.
The most important: avoid starting any activity during Day Braker period when the energies of the period are in clash with the energies of the day.

Master Wey
Ba Zi guide