- Quickstart Feng Shui: Decoding Compatibility Through Kua Numbers

by Master Wey, Ba Zi guide

Welcome to "Quickstart Feng Shui: Decoding Compatibility Through Kua Numbers"!

In our first course segment, we delved into the realm of Feng Shui, unveiling how each individual is linked to a specific Kua number and its corresponding trigram.

We remind you that the Kua number represents the Qi energy you are born with, corresponding to the year of birth. Why the year and not the month or day? In Ba Zi (also known as the Four Pillars of Destiny), we understand that a person's profile is created by equally considering all four components of the birth moment: the hour, the day, the month, and the year. Each of them, however, influences different aspects; the inner-self is determined by the Day Pillar (Day Master), deeper desires come from the Hour Pillar, the career is shaped by the Month Pillar (Main Profile), and the relationship with the environment by the Year Pillar (Grand Duke). Since we are dealing with Feng Shui, precisely the relationship between humans and the environment, it seems natural that the dominant Qi, Kua number, is determined by the year.

These Kua numbers divide people into two groups: Eastern and Western. For each Kua number, there are 4 favorable and 4 unfavorable directions. If you haven't done so already, you can now see what your favorable directions are on the Feng Shui page of Ba Zi Advisor. Members within the same group are compatible, categorized into four levels of compatibility denoted as F1-F4, while those from different groups are incompatible, marked with similar levels of incompatibility as U1-U4.

In this initial part of our article, we'll explore the manifestations of each of these 8 compatibility levels. We'll uncover the impact of spending significant time in the same space, whether a home or office, with different individuals based on their respective Kua numbers. Like how each person is associated with a Kua number based on their birth year, each dwelling can also be aligned with a Kua number, depending on its positioning.

We'll guide you through determining your house or office's Kua number and, based on this, identify the four favorable and four unfavorable sectors. This process resembles the concept of the 8 directions we discussed regarding individuals. But don't fret about the calculations; Ba Zi Advisor will handle them for you and present the results.

What's truly crucial is understanding and beginning to pay attention to the spaces where you spend your time. Over time, positive effects are bound to emerge in your life.

Now armed with the Kua number and associated trigram of your dwelling, we can ascertain which occupants are compatible with it and which are not. Furthermore, we can delve into the potential effects of the dwelling on its occupants. But fear not; adhering to the Yin-Yang principle, nothing is solely good or solely bad; within everything exists both positive and negative effects.

Fortunately, in Feng Shui, once potential issues are identified, there are corresponding remedies that can be applied. However, before getting there, we must traverse a few learning and understanding stages. So let's embark on this journey together, unraveling the mysteries of Feng Shui compatibility through Kua numbers!

Kua Number of a Building

Like how each person is associated with a Kua number based on their birth year, each house can also be associated with a Kua number based on its orientation. We'll show you how to determine your house or office's Kua number and based on it, identify the four favorable and four unfavorable sectors. It's similar to the concept of the 8 directions we discussed regarding individuals, right?

In Feng Shui, the Kua number of a building is determined based on its facing direction. This facing direction is usually determined by the main entrance of the building or the direction it is facing, but the house entrance is not mandatory to be aligned with the facing direction.

In traditional Chinese Feng Shui, the ideal orientation of a house was with the back facing the mountain and the front-facing a body of water. The mountain serves as a passive protective barrier, guarding the back of the house, and promoting rest, health, and tranquility for the occupants. On the other hand, water represents the active element of flowing Qi, bringing wealth and prosperity. In this setup, the facing direction refers to the facade oriented towards the body of water. Nowadays, in the cities or in the absence of natural water bodies, roads indicate the flow of Qi being assimilated with the waters, and the front of the house aligns with the busiest road, which becomes the primary Qi flow.

Once the facing direction is identified, we need to determine the sitting direction which in most cases is exactly the opposite of the facing direction and is significant in determining the energy flow within a space and its alignment with the principles of Feng Shui. The Kua number of a building helps determine its favorable and unfavorable sectors, which can then be used to optimize the energy flow within the space.

Determine the Facing Direction

  1. Locate the Front of the Building: Stand at the front entrance of the building or the area that faces the main road, the most trafficked one.
  2. Hold the Compass Level: Hold the compass level in your hand, ensuring that it is flat and stable.
  3. Align the Compass: Hold the compass in front of you, making sure the direction arrow is pointing straight ahead.
  4. Read the Compass: Look at the compass to determine the direction it is indicating. The direction that the compass needle points towards is the facing direction of the building.
  5. Take Note of the Degree: Some compasses have degree markings around the edge. Take note of the degree reading to get a more precise measurement of the facing direction.

Determine the Building Kua Number

Look in the following table to find the Kua number and corresponding Trigram for the facing direction determined using the method described above. Enter this value in Ba Zi Advisor to obtain the analysis of the sectors of the house.

Kua Name Trigram Direction
1 S Kan 157.5 - 202.5
2 SV Gen 202.5 - 247.5
3 V Zhen 247.5 - 292.5
4 NV Xun 292.5 - 337.5
6 N Li 337.5 - 22.5
7 NE Kun 22.5 - 67.5
8 E Dui 67.5 - 112.5
9 SE Qian 112.5 - 157.5

Compatibility analysis

In the following table, you'll find the compatibility levels between two individuals or between an individual and a building with any Kua number.

K 3 4 1 9 6 2 8 7
3 F4 F2 F3 F1 U3 U1 U2 U4
4 F2 F4 F1 F3 U1 U3 U4 U2
1 F3 F1 F4 F2 U2 U4 U3 U1
9 F1 F3 F2 F4 U4 U2 U1 U3
6 U3 U1 U2 U4 F4 F2 F3 F1
2 U1 U3 U4 U2 F2 F4 F1 F3
8 U2 U4 U3 U1 F3 F1 F4 F2
7 U4 U2 U1 U3 F1 F3 F2 F4

The effects that can manifest on individuals who live or work in the same space due to their compatibility or incompatibility, or the effect of a building on a person living inside are presented below.

Degree Name Effects
F1 Wealth Respect and prosperity
F2 Health Romantic relationships and longevity
F3 Longevity Love relationships and health
F4 Personal Growth Peace and stability
U1 Bad Luck Breakdowns, accidents, and quarrels
U2 Five Ghosts Difficult relationships, unfavorable meetings
U3 Six Killings Litigation, serious accidents, fires
U4 Life-Threatening Illness, bad luck, failed career, death


By using Ba Zi Advisor, you can select from the contacts you've already entered (or you can enter them now) all the residents of a house or colleagues you work with within the office and form a group with them.

Compatibility calculations are done on the fly, and the result is presented in the following form:

Master Wey

Ba Zi guide