- BaZi Advisor - Ba Zi & Feng Shui Course

by Master Wey, Ba Zi guide

Welcome to the BaZi Advisor online course, designed for anyone curious about Chinese spiritual practices like Feng Shui and Ba Zi. We’ve created this web app to give you a powerful yet simple tool that transforms complex calculations—like the Destiny Chart for people or the Bagua Map for spaces—into easy-to-understand results. Whether you're entering a person’s birthdate for Ba Zi or the year and orientation of property for Feng Shui, you’ll get accurate insights without needing to dive deep into the complexities behind them.

Many people have heard of the Chinese Zodiac or Feng Shui. But what are they, and how do they differ from Western astrology? For most, it remains a mystery. One common misconception is linking their personal profile to the animal representing their birth year in the "Chinese Zodiac" and comparing it to the zodiac sign tied to their birth month in Western astrology. Which one is more accurate? In reality, there's no "Chinese Zodiac" as many understand it—it's about Ba Zi or the Four Pillars of Destiny.

Each pillar represents the year, month, day, or hour of birth. So, which one truly defines you? The answer is that each pillar reveals a different layer of your Qi or energy. The Year Pillar shows the outermost layer—the most visible to others and the one that interacts with the environment, which is why it's often used in Feng Shui as your Kua number. But does it truly define you? Not exactly. We must go deeper.

The Month Pillar is closely linked to your career and professional life, which leaves a significant mark on your personality. Whether you love your job or not, this pillar plays a major role in shaping who you are.

Then, there’s the Day Pillar, which reveals your innermost self—the part known best by those closest to you. Here’s where your birthday holds a wealth of hidden information that, combined with the Month and Year Pillars, offers a more complete picture of who you are.

And what about the Hour Pillar? This one reveals your deepest dreams, aspirations, and hidden thoughts. As Freud would put it, at some point, we all become the sum of our deepest desires.

But that’s not all! In Ba Zi, beyond daily, monthly, and yearly cycles, there are 10-year cycles called Luck Pillars. Each one gives insight into how easy or challenging those years will be.

How do you interpret all the information hidden in these pillars? That’s exactly what we’ll explore in this introductory course, designed to ignite your curiosity and guide you on a path toward deeper self-understanding and harmony with the world around you. It’s the journey to a life of balance and prosperity.

When it comes to Feng Shui, there's another challenge—because we're dealing with two major, fundamentally different schools of thought: Traditional Feng Shui, which has been effectively used for thousands of years but requires a detailed audit from a master practitioner. However, with BaZi Advisor and some practical guides, anyone willing to put in a little effort can benefit from it. Trust us, it's worth it! Then there’s New Age Feng Shui, a mix of Eastern traditions that often leans more towards marketing and decorative objects as remedies. It’s up to each person to choose their path, but we focus exclusively on Traditional Feng Shui.

Our course and blog articles are crafted to guide you step by step, whether you're new to these concepts or a seasoned practitioner. You’ll find clear, detailed explanations to help you create personal profiles or perform a Feng Shui audit for your home or office. We’ve also included a practical How-To section to answer common questions and ensure you’re supported at every step.

With BaZi Advisor, you'll have everything you need to explore Chinese metaphysics and implement these ancient practices in today’s world—quickly, easily, and effectively. Let’s get started!

Our goal

Our ambition is to help everyone understand life's complexity from the perspective of Chinese metaphysics. But, as everyone knows, only knowledge can show you just the peak of the iceberg! We added for you also a practical guide to help you apply metaphysics principles in your daily life, to live in harmony and calm, to reach your inner peace!

The first lesson you need to learn from Chinese on the path to success is patience!

Be prepared to step next to Master Wey on this amazing journey, but please hold your horses!

Are you a beginner?

Excellent choice, you are welcome!

For now, be patient, but don't waste any second! Start with the eLearning courses individually to become familiar with the main aspects of Chinese metaphysics. Step by step, you will learn how to decrypt and understand the results of the various analyses that you want to accomplish.

From the outset, it's crucial to acknowledge that deciphering a Destiny Chart involves a wealth of information. Concentrating on a specific aspect at a time to comprehend it fully in all its complexity is advisable.

Or maybe you are an experienced practitioner?

You are very welcome, indeed!

We offer very useful tools for sophisticated computations, which are made for you within moments. The Chinese metaphysics came from ancient times, but our technology is simply the best and our mathematical model is really powerful! This will help you save precious time and energy! It also gives you confidence that nothing is forgotten when performing an audit for a client.


From ancient times people tried to understand the world as a harmonious and holistic entity. Observing carefully all the phenomena in the surrounding environment, they recognized five patterns for existence and transformations in nature. These five patterns, under different names, are the building blocks of the main esoteric systems:

  • Chinese system: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water
  • Indian System: The five tattvas (in Sanskrit = principles) are: Earth (Prithvi), Fire (Tejas), Sky (Akasa), Water (Apas), and Air (Waju)
  • Hermetic system: Akasha or "æther", Earth, Fire, Water, and Air

These systems are similar and not contradictory, but we'll only approach here the one related to the Chinese metaphysical system.

Everything in the Universe starts from the "unnamable", the TAO, and manifests a dual character expressed with the help of Yin and Yang principles. Everything around can be categorized in one of the five patterns enumerated above and explained based on the interactions between these p[patterns. Even if they are called elements and they are referred to as Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water, they must be regarded in a more metaphoric mode as principles or in other words as different forms of energy - Qi.

From Chinese metaphysics we'll only talk about Ba Zi, Feng Shui, and Ze Ri, and all of them are based on three basic concepts:

  • Yin and Yang theory
  • The principles of the 5 elements
  • The cosmic trinity

Master Wey

Ba Zi guide