- Ba Zi - Five Stars Analysis

by Master Wey, Ba Zi guide

In a previous article, What are the Five Stars in Ba Zi?, I began the description of the 5 elements in their relationship with the Day Master.

We now continue with the analysis of each star separately from the perspective of the number of appearances in the Destiny Chart and its favorability.

We remind you that a star is considered Revealed when it appears in the Celestial Stems, showing its influence on the individual's character. Conversely, if a star is present exclusively in the Hidden Stems, this means that it requires external efforts or actions to bring forth its principles, as long as it is not Main Qi. The stars found in the Celestial Stems provide the initial impression of an individual, while those in the Hidden Stems reveal the True Impression, representing the person's inner self.

A star that appears in excess in a Destiny Chart tends to amplify its negative attributes, especially when the star is strong and supported by the Destiny Chart season. Do you remember what the Destiny Chart season is? If not, have a look for explanations in the article Ba Zi Decoding - Day Master Analysis.

The absence of a star in a chart poses challenges for the individual to embody the principles or traits associated with that star. This lack of connection is called an affinity deficit between the person and the Star. For example, if the Star of Wealth is absent from a chart, the likelihood of the person attaining wealth in their lifetime is considered highly unlikely.

Friends Star

What is the Friend Star?

The Friends Star is the same element as the Day Master. From this perspective, it defines who we are but it could also signify:

  • leisure and holidays
  • parties
  • competition and competitors

If Friend Star is MISSING

  • shows that a person doesn't interact well with others in society
  • usually they don't have good friends or they abuse often the friends they have
  • in difficult situations, they find rarely people ready to help them

If Friend Star is EXCESSIVE

The person risks spending far too much time in his life with friends to find time for himself.

If Friend Star is FAVORABLE (Day Master is weak)

If the star is strong If the star is weak
- people get help from their friends and persons around them because they can ask for help and they know how to do it - either the person has good friends but not enough, or it is difficult to get in contact with them
- they are often persuasive persons able to convince the others about their point of view - often too selective their communication skills are rather carefully cultivated than inborn

If Friend Star is UNFAVORABLE (Day Master is strong)

If the star is strong If the star is weak
- people are surrounded by many unreliable friends who also could have a bad influence on them - very difficult for these persons to find people to help in their lives
- people are dragged down by friends instead of being lifted - indicates lonely people who do not appreciate friendship (very rare cases)

Analysis Hints

  • The existence of Friends Star in Heavenly Stems could indicate lovers for the wife

You can check if the Friend star is located only in the Hidden Stems of a person by introducing his/her birth date in Profile Analysis.


What is the Resource Star?

For a person, the Resource Star is related to physical and mental health, with wellbeing and comfort. It also represents the level of education, genetic heritage, sense of self-esteem, the level of appreciation of life. The Resource Star is the element that generates the Day Master. That's why it represents:

  • health, positive emotions, self-control
  • personal or company documents
  • mother for both men and women
  • entire accumulated knowledge

If Resource Star is MISSING

  • shows a weak connection with the person's inner self, difficulty in finding happiness
  • sometimes it happens that the mother is far away
  • generally, they are pessimistic, often complaining people, also not so healthy
  • they consider like normal to be constantly helped by others

If Resource Star is EXCESSIVE

  • many resource Stars indicate a lazy, suspicious person
  • they generally need too much time to make a decision
  • they risk becoming overweight, often hypersensitive personality
  • sometimes they are depressed personalities, very pessimistic

If Resource Star is FAVORABLE (Day Master is weak)

If the star is strong If the star is weak
- the people have a healthy, balanced approach to life, they think rationally before making decisions - they are learning and improving themselves continuously but either they miss opportunities or they concentrate their attention on a not-so-important domain
- often they are educated, mannered, and wise persons - they are surrounded by people who can help them but they need to learn to ask for help
- usually lucky people, always receive help in the difficult moments of their life

If Resource Star is UNFAVORABLE (Day Master is strong)

If the star is strong If the star is weak
- they are generally lazy people, they think life is hard, everything is difficult to do, and they focus only on rest and holidays - not so well informed or wise persons, often they avoid advice or information as well
- unable often to see which really important things are they took wrong decisions even after long thinking about - they worry all the time but they never do something to solve the problems
- emotionally driven person rather than rational

Do you remember what element represents your Resource Star? You can check it right now introducing your birth date in Profile Analysis.

Analysis Hints

  • If Resource Star is in the Year or Month Pillars the person gets bored quickly
  • If Resource Star is in the Day or Hour Pillars the person does usually the correct actions
  • For choosing a medical treatment it is important to analyze the Resource Star. If it is weak the person gets sick easily.
  • When Resource Star is in Clash the body parts or organs associated with its element will get sick.
    • RS = Wood: gallbladder and liver, limbs, hair, venous and arteries
    • RS = Fire: eyes and heart, small intestine, blood pressure, fever, skin
    • RS = Earth: digestive system, stomach and spleen, cells and body tissues
    • RS = Metal: lungs and large intestine, breathing, asthma, large intestine
    • RS = Water: bladder and kidney, joints of legs, flu, sexual organs, blood

Output Star

What is the Output Star?

The Output Star is the element produced by the Day Master element and it represents the goals, dreams, and aspirations in life, the creativity, work, and achievements of a person.

For most people, the Output Star signifies the means of livelihood and the source of wealth.

Various Day Masters have different Ouput Stars elements which means:

  • OS = Wood: represents literature and education fields, writing and drawing, agriculture, medicine, civil engineering, design
  • OS = Fire: means creative expression, successful performers, love being in the spotlight, metaphysics, IT, oil, and electricity-related
  • OS = Earth: real estate business, art, jewelry, insurance companies, mining
  • OS = Metal: justice, army, legal activities, banking, machines-related jobs, usury
  • OS = Water: business requesting mobility, logistics, traveling, adventure, software, cleaning, planning, supermarkets, bars

You can check what element represents your Output Star introducing your birth date in Profile Analysis.

Output Star could also represent:

  • children for women
  • extravagance
  • hypnosis

If Output Star is MISSING

From the professional perspective, the person will not have affinities with the fields related to the Output Star element as presented above.

Lack of Output Star is strongly reflected in somebody's personality:

  • very bad communication abilities
  • inefficient employees
  • unable to appreciate the food, arts, and culture
  • they are the subject of jokes but they don't have a sense of humor

If Output Star is FAVORABLE (Day Master is weak)

If the star is strong If the star is weak
- indicates persons able to capitalize immediately on their intellect or creative skills - their talents and creativity need a lot of stimulation to arise
- they always identify opportunities and ways of improvement - they lack the focus to develop their ideas

If Output Star is UNFAVORABLE (Day Master is strong)

If the star is strong If the star is weak
- very passionate, creative, and well-directed persons, sometimes focused on the wrong things - often passive persons, they lack passion and ambition
- often too stubborn attitude, frequently disappointed because they dream too high - neither very innovative people nor great thinkers

Analysis Hints

If the Output Star is found in Heavenly Stems (is visible) the person can make money from his work.

Wealth Star

What is the Wealth Star?

Because it is the element controlled by the Day Master, we can say that Wealth Star represents:

  • our affinity for money (strong if the Day Master is Strong)
  • wife or/and mistress for men
  • the father for both men and women
  • assets and properties
  • affinity for risks

If Wealth Star is MISSING

  • it is very unlikely the person to become rich

If Wealth Star is EXCESSIVE

  • often, too much wealth is not good for health

If Wealth Star is FAVORABLE (Day Master is weak)

If the star is strong If the star is weak
- judge things from the materialistic perspective and they could attain financial success in life - they need to put some more effort into work despite their relative disinterest in wealth
- generally workaholics because the more they work greater achievements they have - they need to look for opportunities and to get more focused

If Wealth Star is UNFAVORABLE (Day Master is strong)

If the star is strong If the star is weak
- often over-stressed by excessive work they can become ill - not very interested and focused on financial achievements
- they should less focus on money and more on selectiveness to find some peace of mind - they should avoid risky financial opportunities, running for wealth will often bring obstacles

Have you checked if your Wealth Star is favorable or not? You can do it now by introducing your birth date in Profile Analysis.

Analysis Hints

  • If the Day Master is Weak and there are many Wealth Stars in the Destiny Chart indicates a lot of money around the person who doesn't belong to them (works with money only)
  • If the Wealth Stars is found only in Heavenly Stems the person wants to show he has nonexistent money
  • Wealth Star in Hidden Stems of the Day means a happy marriage

Influence Star

What is the Influence Star?

Talking about Influence Star we are talking about charisma, leadership, control and power, self-control, and discipline of a person. This star is important for people to get a respected position in society.

Being the element that controls the Day Master, the Influence Star could represent:

  • authority, legal, and political power
  • sense of justice
  • leading skills
  • discipline
  • protection
  • the workplace, the job
  • the husband or lover for women
  • the children for men

If Influence Star is MISSING

  • it would be better for the person to own his business
  • often shows a person with less morality and no principles, a person very difficult to be controlled
  • for women could be difficult to find a husband and usually the marriages are not of a good quality

If Influence Star is EXCESSIVE

  • generally indicates many marriages

If Influence Star is FAVORABLE (Day Master is weak)

If the star is strong If the star is weak
- denotes a person who attains a good position in society either through his leadership skills and reputation or through power and aggressive attitude. - needs help to get the deserved position in society or company
- the person has good credibility, generally principled and honest. - often is the person following the leader from his proximity rather than being himself a leader

If Influence Star is UNFAVORABLE (Day Master is strong)

If the star is strong If the star is weak
- either they abuse their power and position to benefit themselves at the expense of others or have the tendency to excessively control the people - people unable to attain the position and power they desire, but they behave like they are kings
- in some cases, they could be corrupted people, without credibility despite their position - they usually lose their position, unable to resist stress and responsibilities because they exaggerate their abilities

Analysis Hints

  • The strength of Influence Star is the ability to differentiate between good and bad
  • Can be activated for protection in its time interval (according to its element)
  • the person has a predisposition to break the law if Influence Star is unfavorable

Master Wey

Ba Zi guide